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PAC Attends RAAF Air Power Conference

PAC attends RAAF Air Power Conference. The key theme was that the Multi-Domain Integrated Force needed to provide ‘Capability, Agility and Potency’.
PAC Attends RAAF Air Power Conference
The Royal Australian Air Force 2016 Air Power Conference Photo credit: Defence Image Library *** Local Caption *** The biennial Air Power Conference on 15 and 16 March 2016, explored the idea of seamless joint effects. The theme of Multi-Domain Integration - Enabling Future Joint Success explored the integration of air, sea, land, space and cyber operations to evolve to a truly joint force. Day one focused on strategic multi-domain integration, While day two focused on the implementation of operations through Plan Jericho. The 2016 RAAF Heritage Awards were also announced at the conference.
Photo credit: Defence Images

An impressive line-up of Defence leaders and academics came together to share their thoughts on Multi-Domain Integration and the role that Air Force would play in the transformation at the 2016 Air Power Conference in Canberra. The key theme of the conference was that the Multi-Domain Integrated Force needed to provide ‘Capability, Agility and Potency’. This is not about creating singular force but rather a flexible force design that can be rapidly assembled through networks to configure to a specific context. This will provide Australia with Strategic Agility and a depth and breadth of capability that can be tailored to meet emerging threats.

The Chiefs of each service discussed the importance of people and leadership in effecting the required cultural change needed to achieve this vision. This was highlighted in the acknowledgement that while technology was advancing rapidly and would be a key catalyst to change, without a focus on the people, their training and effective cultural change, multi-domain integration could not be achieved.

Innovation was also a strong theme of the conference and the importance of close relationships with Industry. Flexible and rapid acquisition would allow Industry to focus on solving RAAF’s most pressing issues and maximise Defence’s ability to continue its spiral upgrade to a 5th generation fighting force. There has been much movement in the innovation space with Plan Jericho leading the charge with Jericho Dawn projects. Industry now has an avenue to develop and demonstrate world leading technologies to generate a true multi-domain integrated force.

At PAC, we are pleased to see the shift in culture and Defence thinking towards a truly integrated force. Our specialist teams are continuing to grow our Joint Integration experience base across operational concepts and data integration on some crucial future projects such as AIR 6500 which will have a central impact on the future force. If you would like to get involved in the exciting and growing area of multi-domain integration, please visit our careers page HERE.

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