The success of any mission is a combination of people, assets and planning. Therefore having the latest in mission planning technology, combined with a highly capable aircraft, makes the RAN’s new MH-60R Seahawk Romeo helicopter a very effective platform to help strengthen their aviation combat capability. The Romeo’s come with the Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS), the latest in US Navy developed and certified mission planning tools. The recent successful firing of a Hellfire missile from an MH-60R involved a planned mission from home base at Naval Air Station (NAS) Jacksonville, via Miami, to the AUTEC range in the Bahamas and back. Training also included other missions for sonarbuoy launches whilst in that location. Pacific Aerospace Consulting (PAC) has provided the JMPS System Administrator support throughout 2014 for the test and evaluation period at NAS Jacksonville, Florida and will follow the Romeo’s to HMAS Albatross in Nowra this year to continue the management of MH-60R JMPS. With a next generation submarine hunter and anti-surface warfare helicopter comes a highly sophisticated combat system and PAC is providing dedicated support at the front line.

Much as the Navy is expanding its taskforce, so too is PAC. PAC provides technical, engineering and operational support to all ADF JMPS users, including F/A-18 A/B, F/A-18F and MH-60R. PAC has been involved with JMPS since 2007, supporting the ADF domestically and internationally in developing the ADF mission planning capability through their experienced staff and reachback to the US DoD. As the ADF demand for US-common mission planning systems continues to grow, so does the demand for high quality support services. We are now accepting expressions of interest from technical professionals with experience in or a desire to work in Mission Planning, and invite you to apply at info@pacaerocon.com.
*For more information on MH-60R’s Hellfire Missile Firing please see the below articles.