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PAC is attending the Hunter Defence Conference

As Defence increases its presence in the Hunter Region, PAC is also growing its footprint to be strategically located with our customers.

Our Head of Business Operations, Kate Bevan, and our Cyber Security Architect, Stefan Martins, will represent PAC at the Hunter Defence Conference this Wednesday (31 August) in the Hunter Valley. The event includes speakers, content, and opportunities to network with Defence primes, SMEs, academia, and the Department of Defence.

As Defence increases its presence in the Hunter Region, PAC is also growing its footprint to be strategically located with our customers. Recent investments in the area, such as Williamtown Special Activation Precinct (SAP), show that State and Federal governments recognise the region’s strategic importance. Additionally, opportunities like the Hunter Defence Conference provide a fantastic chance for PAC to network with established and emerging partners and to provide a collaborative environment for all stakeholders to align our intent for the future of the Hunter region.

During the conference, Kate and Stefan will look at emerging small businesses whose values and purpose align with PAC. “We hope to establish partnerships with other SMEs to leverage our expertise in cyber and system integration realms to help them deliver ground-breaking capability to Defence faster and more efficiently. We are also looking forward to hearing more about the growth initiatives and future intentions for the region“, Kate explains.

Check more details about the Hunter Defence Conference here.

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Unit 2.04, 17 Moore Street
Canberra ACT 2601

U 2.02 Building E 1 Technology PL
Williamtown NSW 2318